Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Visit

Stella and I tagged along on Thomas' pumpkin patch visit with his class today.  Stella enjoyed sitting with the class and wandering among the pumpkins.  She loved them all and we left with three pumpkins. It was great to see Thomas with his class too!  He's got a great bunch this year!

The Big Wheel

We visited one of our local hot spots this weekend--The Mill, or as we call it--"The Big Wheel and the Waterfall.

The Little Gardener

We hope to see tulips in the spring!

Stella's Hair

She's finally getting into having her hair up for more than 5 minutes.

Thomas Update

Thomas is a planner.  He planned a picnic for our family this weekend.  He made the list of food.  He decided we should have the picnic indoors where it was warm, comfy and we could watch "The Cat and the Hat."

Recently Thomas has had a great interest in reading on his own so we dusted off some of my books from teaching and we've been learning about picture walks, sight words, and other good reading strategies. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stella Update--20 months!

Stella is starting to string works together more everyday. 

After her nap on Wednesday she asked, "How about some apple juice.?" 

She regularly rummages though my kitchen cabinets looking for marshmallows and chocolate chips.

If she wants a snack she goes to get a bowl.  If she's thirsty she'll likely get her own cup for you.  She likes to take her dirty dishes to the sink too.

She knows how to put her laundry in the laundry basket and she helps me unload the dishwasher.

She LOVES to help her Daddy make coffee in the morning. 

She loves on Thomas with hugs and kisses and follows him everywhere.  She calls him "Nomas."

Every time we approach his school she announces "walk." 

She loves to laugh, sing, and dance too.