Saturday, September 4, 2010

Apple Picking

The weather has been absolutely amazing this weekend.  We decided to go apple picking.  It was a great choice!  The trees were loaded with apples and the kids never wanted to stop picking.

2 Bushels later we headed back home.

Three Sweet Words

I "dove" you.

and then a big hug!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to School 2010

Thomas started school today.  5 days a week, all half days.

He's so excited and loves his class and teachers.

He walked in with no problem. 

Mom was the one who got a hug from the teacher and needed tissues. 

Stella's Backpack

Stella saw T getting a back pack.  She started calling out--"backpack, backpack. Dor, (Dora), Dor."

Who can resist that face??

I don't think she'd be too happy if I actually left her at school.  No school for her for awhile!!!

Using a Fork

She's trying to use her fork now!

Moving to New Heights

I wish I had a picture, but that would be dangerous.

You've seen the photos of Stella on the very low train table.

She's moving on to kitchen tables and adult size desks now.

I even walked into the playroom yesterday to see that she had moved a chair over to the shelf, climbed the chair and stood straight up to reach markers.  She learned that one from T.